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Armand and Annelise’s wedding at Shumba’s Rest in Naboomspruit


Timothy (my son) and I got up at 05:00 and were on our way to Naboomspruit (Mookgopong)for Armand and Annelise’s wedding. We got home at 10:00 the previous evening after our wedding of the Friday. I am really looking forward to the wedding, and to the drive there. This is close to where I grew up, and it is always nice to go back to your roots.

We first stop at Jan and Estie’s place, VERY nice people, we will sleep over there tonight! Thanks again Jan and Estie!

Then it’s off to Shumba’s Rest where the wedding will be. We still have to scout the place and decide where we are going to photograph the couple. Hannes Dreyer, the owner, is so kind as to drive us around and show us all the best places.

How nice it is to drive around in the bush….jeez, I like my job!

I enjoy the friendly people at the wedding. they are so hospitable I just have to remind myself that I am working! LOL.

Annelise’s dress was made by her mum and her make up was done by Melissa 076 959 7431 This is the 2 nd wedding that I photographed that she did the make up for. (Sy mag maar!)

Wilhelmus is the best man. I photographed his and Tanya’s wedding a year ago…VERY nice seeing them again.

Armand and Annelise…may you have a blessed life. Thanks for the honour of choosing me as your wedding photographer.






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Comments (5)

Annelise Oeschger

Ai, daar is sommer trane in my oE! Dankie Johan vir die werk wat jy vir ons gedoen het,ons sou niemand beters kon kry nie. Alles is amazing!!!! Weereens baie DANKIE

Annelise,dit was ‘n wonderlike voorreg om julle fotograaf te wees. Dankie vir jou mooi woorde

Baie mooi foto’s! Die troue was wonderlik en alles was perfek gewees, die kos, koek en die gekuier. Ons Greens het baie lekker gekuier!! 😉 Wens julle twee alles van die beste en mag julle baie gelukkig wees. Liefde

Cathy Coertze

Armand en Annelise, julle foto’s is pragtig. Dankie dat ons daar kon wees. Dit was baie lekker. Liefde Tannie Cathy en Oom Salie

Anneliese en Armand mag dit met julle net goed gaan. Julle is ‘n pragtige paartjie. Baie dankie dat julle Shumba’s Rest as julle venue gebruik het. Johan jou foto’s is pragtig.

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