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Bertie and Dalene’s wedding at the Voortrekker Monument


Friday 17 December, the day before the wedding. I am waiting at the Voortrekker monument in Pretoria to meet the bride and groom and discuss their wedding the next day. They pitch up half an hour late…Dalene is VERY nervous. I had to calm her down as much as possible. A nervous bride ALWAYS show on the photographs. My job is thus to have a calming influence on the bride AND to photograph her.

The next morning I’m there at 11:00 as arranged, I like to be there early on the day of the wedding and spend as much time with the bride as possible, that way she is much more relaxed with me around and we get more relaxed photos.

The bride and her bridesmaids spend the night at Brooklyn guest house, it is beautiful there and I can’t wait to photograph Dalene at the guest house.

Eventually the bride is a fashionable 45 minutes late and we really had to hurry with the photoshoot, because the longer I photograph, the later she gets…talk of perform under pressure…lol.

Her make up has been done by Oudine from Divas, tel 011 918 0165 and her dress designed by the very enthusiastic Daniele from Daniele Concepts, tel 082 777 9682.

The ceremony is very intimate, and finished just in time for the rain that started to pour down directly after the confetti and group photograph. Eventually the rain would not stop and I went back to Pretoria the next day to photograph the bride and groom. Actually a blessing in disguise because I could now photograph them both at the beautiful Brooklyn Guest house…and get some shots I wouldn’t have been able to the previous day…check my post out!

We really had to work around the clock to give Bertie and Dalene their wedding photos before I go on holiday, three days after the wedding.

Comments (2)

Absoluut n sprokie!!! Johan jy het hierdie paartjie so mooi uitgebeeld!!! Presies net soos hierdie 2 wonderlike mense is.

Johan, AMAZING! Jy het dit reggekry om hierdie twee pragtige, maltrap, uitbundige en geliefde mense se alles perfek op die fotos vas te lĂȘ!!!!!!! Bertie en Dalene – julle het stunning gelyk (uhm alhoewel Dalene se uit die bottel drinkery seker na Bertie se kop gegaan het – die dat hy sy bril verloor het – hahaha WHAT a moment – Johan jy was net op die regte plek op die regte tyd!)

Ongelooflik mooi – julle moet kom kueir met die CD dat ons die res kan sien!!!

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