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Chris and Sonja’s wedding at the Westcliff Hotel


WOW! What a phenomenal wedding. Sonja….there is now words. I’m not even going to try! You’ve looked better than most brides half your age!

Chris and Sonja got married at the Westcliff hotel…let me start by saying…you must be fit to be a photographer here…I have NEVER seen so many steps in my life. But….it is a photographers dream…it is a beautiful hotel…and their service is excellent.

The wedding coordinators were La Promesse . I must stop here….if you want to make your wedding the event of the year..then you must use Annemari and her team. It is not the first wedding we did together…let me tell you, they think about everything! I don’t often recommend people…but I can recommend them!

The make up was done by Tamaryn, tel number 076 124 6879. You be the judge…it was perfect.

I must tell you a very interesting story about these two that Chris told us at the wedding. These two met on the internet and chatted to each other for months via email. Eventually they decided that it is time to meet each other. You know what….of all the people in the world they could have met….they discovered they they stay right opposite each other on the same street corner! And they never knew it.  If this was not meant to be I don’t know.

Chris…I was very impressed with how much you care about Sonja….that is very rare nowadays.  Sonja…your bubbly personality is infectious. I think you can make Julius Malema feel comfortable at an AWB meeting! Your personalities really compliment each other…I wish you many happy married years.

Oh yes….before I forget. I had the privilege of meeting some very special people. Including Sonja’s mom and her two sisters who can enjoy a party more than people 60 years younger than they are. I can see where you genes come from Sonja. Be on the lookout for the three “tannies” dancing at the end of the post.

Thanks Chris and Sonja for choosing me to capture your most special day in your life. I hope that my photos can do justice to the very special love that you two have for each other.




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