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Cobus & Nadine’s wedding at Rosemary Hill

Rosemary hill wedding photography

Cobus and Nadine’s wedding. It was our last wedding for the year. Our photography and videography team was there. And what an eventful wedding it was.

Firstly the decor. I have never in my whole life as a wedding photographer seen so many attention to detail. Nadine and Cobus really went all out with the planning of their wedding. The venue looked absolutely stunning. The type of decor they had fitted beautiful with the barn at Rosemary Hill. 

Nadine was just the most genuine and gorgeous bride, she has a killer smile, and because she was so happy on her wedding day she smiled a lot. The ceremony itself was something else. During the ceremony the biggest storm I have ever seen at a wedding broke out. The minister’s papers flew all over the place, It was almost impossible to get from the chapel to the reception. A photoshoot was out of the question. that was postponed till the next day.

Nadine had to do the make up and hair again, got another chance to put on her wedding dress, and we had a beautiful and relaxed shoot

Cobus and Nadine, thanks for the honour of spending the day (two days) with you. we love you and loved being your wedding photographer and videographers.

Photographer: JC Crafford




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