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Collect your guests’ photos instantly with Wedding Snap
Since everyone and her mom has a smart phone, it’s no surprise that mobile services like Instagram (you can follow GWS on Instagram under GreenWeddingShoes!) are so popular. The only downside is that there isn’t an easy way to collect all of the photos from a specific event in a single place. You’ve probably been at a wedding and had a great time, but when it came time to view the unofficial photos you had to check Facebook (and hope you have permission to view everyone’s photos), search for hashtags on Instagram and collect emails with links to galleries that were created.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could gather all the photos your friends and family took in one place and then share them with everyone you wanted? Well, with Wedding Snap you can do just that! Wedding Snap is a photo sharing website for weddings that has iPhone & Android apps that make collecting guests’ photos 100 times easier.
So how does it work? You sign up, create an album code (e.g. Ashley25), and share that album code among your guests through 250 personalized information cards that Wedding Snap sends you. Your guests will download the FREE Wedding Snap app to their iPhones or Androids. Every picture that your guests take through the app, a copy of it will be automatically uploaded directly to your album. And even if your guests don’t have smart phones, they can still upload their digital camera photos directly to your album after the wedding. This way, all your wedding memories are preserved in one place. Not only will you have all of your beautiful official wedding photographs from your photographer, but you’ll also get a glimpse of the wedding from the perspective of your guests.
A few other important details to note:People who don’t have smartphones can upload their photos directly to the album after the wedding.
Wedding Snap can be used to project the photos live on a screen at the wedding [the live slideshow is monitored in real-time by Wedding Snap to make sure pictures are appropriate].
Unlimited photo storage for 1 year.
Brides can create separate albums for their Engagement Party, Bachelorette Party, Bridal Shower, and other occasions to easily collect all their memories in one place.
Real-time wedding photo sharing.
You can get your images retouched by a professional photographer.
While the app itself is free, the service is not. They provide 3 different packages (Silver, Gold, & Platinum) which range in price from $99 – $149 and you can learn more about each package on their website.