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Dane and Eileen’s Wedding at Red Ivory

JC Crafford Photo and Video wedding photography at Red Ivory

Dane and Eileen chose Red Ivory for their big day and what an amazing wedding this turned out to be.

They’re both so incredibly laid back and fun! Its rare that we all laugh this much but they truly feel more like friends than clients in no time whatsoever. Dane is a man that is very much in touch with his emotions and as a sympathetic cryer myself I was almost brought to tears a time or two. When we heard that most of the ladies were dance instructors we were really excited for the party as we all wanted to see their skill on the dance floor and they did not disappoint.

Though poor Dane had the ill luck of hurting his ankle days before the wedding, it didn’t show however and their first dance was quite the show of skill. From the food, the decor to the couple themselves this day was truly flawless and a celebration of note.

Thank you for having us as your photographer and videographers on the day.

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