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Emile & Kim’s Wedding at Valverde in Muldersdrift


Emile and Kim met each other about 5 years ago. Her little brother was in his mother’s nursery. She got a set of drums as a gift and needed somebody to teach her how to play the drums, Emile’s mother suggested to Kim’s mother that Emile teach her and that he won’t mind at all. What she didn’t know was the following…and this is one of the nicest stories I have ever heard:

I mentioned about her little brother and the nursery school? Well, one day there was a photographer taking photos at the nursery school, Kim and her mother pitched up to pick up her brother as the photographer was taking photos. He suggested that Kim sit down for a quick photo as well, she was about 13-14 years old at the time. When Emile’s mother got the photos of all the kids in her school back from the photographer she was sorting it out one evening and Emile stood behind her just as she had Kim’s photo in her hands. Emile apparently on the spur of the moment said…I’m going to marry this girl one day…and he has never seen her before, neither did he know who she was. His parents couldn’t believe where this was coming from. Emile never had a girlfriend in his life.

Emile then took the photo of Kim, and put it in his wallet. On the day of their wedding he took out his wallet and showed me this old wrinkled photo of Kim that was taken all those years ago, he had it in his wallet all those years. Have a look at the last photo on the  blog, it is Kim’s photo that Emile had in his wallet all those years.

They only met and saw each other for the first time years later when Kim needed someone to teach her play drums. How did this happen? I don’t know. I just know that these two are destined to be together, this is their own fairy tale romance.

They got married at Valverde Country hotel in Muldersdrift near Krugersdorp. Awesome, awesome place.

Hairdressers: Kiarn international, 0114759135,

Make-up: Luba beauty style,  0781526139 ,


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Comments (2)

Freda van Vuuren

Hi Johan,

Duisend dankies!! Jy is absoluut net die beste fotograaf wat ek van weet. Ek was ook op Vaughan & Judith Vorster se troue by Moon & Sixpence, en het toe al gedink niemand sal beter fotos as jy kan neem nie, maar jy het jouself oortref! Jou webblad is in elk geval een van my favourites…

Vriendelike Groete,

Freda van Vuuren

Kim Engelbrecht

Hi Johan, once again we just cannot say thank you enough for our OUT OF THIS WORLD photo’s!!They are absolute masterpieces and we will treasure them forever!Thank you for capturing our fairytale wedding!Kim and Emile Engelbrecht

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