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Freddie and Jenilee’s seaside wedding in Sodwana


Sometimes a bridal couple has a BIG dream like Freddie & Jenilee had.

Their first dream was to be together, and then they wanted to get married at the ocean.A real beach wedding.  And everyone that got married at the ocean, and arranged it themselves, can tell you that this can be a logistical nightmare.

Freddie & Jenilee decided they want to get married at Sodwana. Which is even more of a problem, this is a world heritage site. They eventually got their permission…two days before the wedding. (Talk about nail biting stuff)

All their guests came down to Sodwana for the weekend. The unbelievable Coral Divers arranged everything and their guests stayed at Coral Divers as well. Laura-Jean Barnes and her staff are really some of the best organisers I have ever seen. (And I see a lot!)

I was of course VERY excited to do this wedding, not only because Freddie and Jenilee are two very amazing young people, but also because Sodwana happens to be my fav holiday spot!

Their wedding was a bit different.

The actual wedding ceremony was on a Sunday morning (at sunrise) on the beach. (guess how early everyone had to get up)  On Saturday evening they had the “reception” at Coral Divers and they also gave their guests breakfast after the ceremony on the beach.

When the guests got to the beach the Sunday morning there were coffee and rusks as well as warm blankets available for them.

Jenilee walked onto the beach and received one flower and a hug from ladies that was standing a guard of honour for her. That was her bouquet.

Jenilee’s dad is a pastor and he married them. That was so special to see. There were tears everywhere.

The danced their first dance on the beach.

After the breakfast (pancakes and different fillings) their guests departed at about 12:00. We then all took a break. At 16:00 Surika and my daughter Miya (take a look at the photo of Miya carrying all Jenilee’s stuff for her), myself and Freddie and Jenilee went down to the beach for the shoot. It was so beautiful, a sunset over the ocean, two people in love, and I had all the time in the world to do the shoot. I couldn’t have asked for a better wedding or couple to shoot.

Freddie and Jenilee. We just love you two. You are such special people, and we will always think of you when we are at Sodwana on holiday!

Enjoy this trip called marriage.

JC Crafford

PS: That absolutely gorgeous wedding dress? It was designed by Niko Arnold from The Boys Couture


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Comments (2)

Liewe land JC, jy het hierdie familie behoorlik aan die gons oor jou fotos….kan net se ONGELOOFLIK!!!!
Baie baie dankie…jy het above en beyond gegaan met hierdie Twee Dae Troue!!
Jou gesindheid, kunsinnigheid, spanwerk met jou Vroutjie, Coral Divers en Fredilee, en professionaliteit is noemenswaardig.
…dis jammer ek het nie nog n dogter nie, hehe
Alles van die beste!!

Hi Karin

Dit was SO lekker om die naweek sama met julle deur te bring. Ons het sommer baie lief geword vir julle almal hoor

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