Deren and Carmel’s BIG day. Again an incredible honour for me to have been chosen as their wedding photographer. It was nice to photograph a wedding in Gauteng again after I’ve been to Kwa Zulu Natal, Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape recently to photograph weddings. Their wedding was at the beautiful Glenburn Lodge in Muldersdrift near Roodepoort and Krugersdorp.
This was really a BIG wedding. I think I must have spend an hour only photographing the family! Everything went really smooth as we had a pre-wedding photo shoot about a week before the wedding! A very special wedding for two very special people.
Need a photographer to take studio photos of your family? We have VERY attractive festive season rates. What about a nice christmas gift for someone… photograph your family and give mum and dad a framed photo?
the photo’s look amazing….we really glad you photographed our wedding….