Jaco & Alichia, and a beautiful place like Intundla. This was a match made in heaven.
I like this two, friendly, they know what they want in life, and they do it together. A real power couple.
This is one of those weddings that you don’t say a lot about. Simply because there is to much to say. And you don’t know where to start and what to leave out.
It was just perfect, the couple, their friends, their family, the venue. I am sure a bride can’t wish for anything more at their wedding.
Thanks for everything Jaco and Alichia, thanks for choosing us, and thanks for being such an awesome and accommodating couple at your wedding.
May your life be just as perfect as your wedding.
Photographer: JC Crafford
Here is the cinematic highlight version of their wedding video follwed by some of the photos that we have liked.
Mooiste troue gewees! Dankie vir julle!
Mag jul lewe saam net goeie herinneringe bou op hierdie dag van goeie beelde en prente en herinneringe! Die video en fotos is awesome!
Dit was a awesome troue. Hoop julle 2tjies het dit net so geniet soos ons. Wens julle net geluk en baie liefde toe viri toekoms.