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Johannesburg wedding at the Hellenic Cyprus Club in Bedfordview – Rogerio and Nadia


Rogerio and Nadia’s wedding was at the Hellenic Cyprus Club in Bedfordview. My son Timothy did the videography and I did the photography, what a privilege for a father and son to work together like this.

Their wedding was a very traditional one, the ceremony was in a church (the St Anne’s Catholic Church) and Nadia and her bridesmaids were getting dressed at her parents house. Nice and relaxed, I like it traditional like this…I’m just a sucker for tradition.

I must admit I love a ceremony in a Catholic Church, everything is so beautiful and a wedding ceremony feels extra special.

Timothy and I were very excited about the church and the video, I bought a new Sennheiser Lapel Mic system and we were excited to see how it works.

The party was a HUGE success, Nadia and Roger are Portuguese, and the Portuguese like to party, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen people enjoying a party like this.  It seems like everybody was on the dance floor all the time. We made a video of the people on the dance floor, have a look , you will enjoy it.

You can also view a short version of their wedding at the Hellenic Cyprus Club.

Rogerio and Nadia, Timothy and I really enjoyed being part of your big day, thanks for sharing it with us.

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