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John & Melanie’s wedding at Gecko Ridge in Pretoria

JC Crafford Photo and Video wedding Photography at Gecko Ridge JM

I look at John and Melanie, and after spending a whole day with them I am puzzled.

How does it happen that two such extraordinary people meet? They are just so perfect together. And they have both been waiting for THE special person for such a long time, and then, their paths cross. It only says one thing to me, this was meant to be.

It has been raining the whole week in Gauteng, and on their wedding day as well. Many brides would be VERY upset, but not Melanie, she was all smiles the whole day. Not worried at all. She was just glad she is marrying her Price Charming. And I must admit, John IS a very nice guy. Every time I looked at him during the day he had this broad smile on his face.

Luckily for uis the weather cleared up a LITTLE bit, and we could get some photos outside.

They got married at the AWESOME, STUNNING and BEAUTIFUL Gecko Ridge

I love this place, and I simply love Angelique and Monique, these two ladies are always there and always ready to help. Thanks girls. It is always awesome to work with you again.

John and Melanie. What can I say? God brought you together. Enjoy your life together. Every second of it.

JC and Timothy Crafford



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