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Light Painting with the Fujifilm XT-1


Light Painting

I didn’t have a wedding last night, so I decided to try my hand on something different, Light Painting! I went to a workshop hosted by NEXTGEN Photo Academy with Eslie Basson and Wessel from Fujifilm as well as my son Timothy…he was the one running around with the light! He got some good exercise.

We had an amazing time full of fun and trail and error. The coldness was forgotten because I had the forethought to pack something in to drink for the cold! Pierre from Nextgen provided some boerewors rolls (Some of the best boerewors I’ve tasted)

There was a couple of photographers shooting all the old cars, aeroplanes etc in the veld, you thus couldn’t put on a torch to see where you’re walking otherwise you could spoil someone else’s shot. Wessel nearly broke his leg falling over something in the dark.

Here are some of the results.

Camera: Fujifilm XT-1

Lens: Fujinon 18mm

Light: Lowel GL-1 Hotlight and a cheap laser pointer bought at a store.

I must comment on my Manfrotto tripod, it is so sturdy, I held the shutter button down with my finger on the camera, for some shots up to 1 min 30 seconds, and not one blurred photo.


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