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Misty Hills Wedding – Freddie and Chantel


Misty Hills Wedding

I knew from the day I first met them this is going to be a fun wedding … and it was. They are both just the most pleasant down to earth people. The kind that you immediately relate to.


Freddie and Chantel’s Story

Here is the story in Chantel’s own words: We met 28 years ago as two pink bundles in oversized white nappies. Our parents were teachers at the same school and very good friends and we grew up only a few houses from each other. We spent our first few years ogling each other from our prams whilst our mothers walked around the neighborhood to get exercise (though I think it was more of a gossip session) and uttering the occasional goo-goo gaga’s across the playroom whilst our dads shared a chop on the braai together, but life went on …

We went through the years and found other things to entertain ourselves with (me partying and Fred mostly studying) and eventually were chosen as head boy and head girl together in high school (not sure how I made that cut). I recall many school afternoons at his house trying to understand math’s (while deep down I just wished the idiot would stop being so shy and just kiss me!) but again, life went on …

After high school I left for London and Fred for Uni. Even though we were thousands of miles apart he was still my best friend. I spent most of my money calling and texting him until the late hours of the night (not sure how he passed Uni as his phone was glued to his hands!). We realized then already that we were meant for each other but, life went on …

After almost 10 years I returned to South Africa and we met up again (even though I spent all my holidays back in South Africa with him) and since my return we have not spent one day apart, we have wasted so much and I think we are too scared to let go again! Our love journey started and we knew from that moment we were going to marry.

We are living a “ fairy tale”. I cannot describe it any better than that. We have been “together” for more than 28 years and finally our happy ever after day came. We got married at the beautiful Misty Hills in Muldersdrift on the 27th October 2012.


About The Wedding

Freddie and Chantel like to do things differently. Instead of the usual flower petals or confetti they had soft purple balls that their guests had to throw them with when they came out of the church. Everything went well for the first round of throwing the balls. I orchestrated the whole effort by getting everybody to throw all the balls in the air on the count of three when they came out of the church. But then everybody ran to get a ball again and started practicing their baseball throwing skills on Freddie and Chantel!

But Freddie and Chantel had another trick up their sleeve, they discussed this with me beforehand. They went back into the church and closed the doors. Everybody huddled close to the church door to throw them again with the balls once they come out. But did they get a surprise! The moment Freddie and Chantel came out again they each had a big water gun in their hands. And they started shooting their guests. I have never seen people ran away so quickly!

It was raining while we were in the church, but it luckily cleared up a little bit before the photo shoot. I nevertheless had to rush the photo shoot because it could start raining at any minute again.


Wedding Venue – Misty Hills

The wedding was held at the stunning Misty Hills in Muldersdrift close to Krugersdorp. A stunning venue, with the most beautiful natural scenery you can imagine. And the honeymoon suite! WOW! You should see it to believe it. It even has it’s own private swimming pool and garden. Visit their website at



Misty Hills wedding photographer JC Crafford


We got driven around during the photo shoot in a golf cart specially decorated for the occasion.



Chantel’s garter, have a look at photos later on to see what she did with it. Not your average garter throwing ceremony!


Misty Hills wedding photographer JC Crafford


Chantel relaxing at her suite’s private pool before the ceremony.



Look at this beautiful idea for the kid’s table. They each got their own gift box as well.



A nice affordable and different way to tell your guests where they are sitting.


Misty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC Crafford


Freddie was very impressed with his new watch he got as a gift from Chantel just before the wedding.


Misty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC Crafford


Daddy getting his boys ready for the big event. They were bringing the rings in so they had to look tip top.


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I love this one. What was granny thinking about here. maybe thinking back to her own wedding years ago?


Misty Hills wedding photographer JC Crafford


The “organised” ball throwing, after this Freddie & Chantel had to run around with all the balls aimed at them.


Misty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC CraffordMisty Hills wedding photographer JC Crafford


Freddie wanted a photo of himself in the pond with the “no swimming permitted” sign at the back. This nearly ended catastrophically when he lost his footing … but just managed not to fall flat on his back.


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Freddie’s “Blue Steel” look!


Misty Hills wedding photographer JC Crafford

Misty Hills wedding photographer JC Crafford


You should have seen the food! WOW! Lots of different meat cuts and then they waiters come around every couple of minutes with a different type of meat. When the last guy at the table can’t eat anymore he has to put a flag that’s on each table down flat to signal defeat.


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Freddie looks very excited about the taking off of the garter. Look at all the things Chantel had hidden in the garter, Freddie had to take it out one by one!


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Don’t worry, nothing serious, just and old school friend that has been with Freddie and Chantel since Gr1.


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