Some people are just so incredibly nice you will move heaven and earth to make them happy…like Nico and Melissa. I liked them (a lot) from the very first time we met. They are just SO good together, their wedding was definitely written in the stars long before they met. They got married at Makiti in Muldersdrift, always a pleasure photographing there, always a pleasure being there.
Nico and Melissa, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you two, you are so good together,
How did you meet?
One evening after church with the help of a common friend. Nico bought me a chocolate to wish me well with my exams. We went on two or three dates and then didn’t see each other for almost 6 months. We decide to go for coffee again in December 2009 and we never looked back.
Tell us about the proposal
We went away for a weekend to Mount Grace. I didn’t expect a proposal. On our way to Mount Grace we stopped at the Rhino and Lion park. They suggested that we come back on the Saturday as it was almost time to close. There was a white tiger outside the park we took photos and we were amazed with the beauty of this animal. When I next saw Nico he was on his knee asking me if I will be his Pookie (my nickname) Pretorius forever. We had a lovely weekend at Mount Grace. Nico told me that he asked my parents the previous evening when I thought he was working late.
Describe your wedding day, anything specific that you will always remember
This was a team effort as Nico and I planned and did everything together for the wedding. The venue at Makiti was in nature and when we saw the venue it immediately reminded us of all our holidays and memories together. We also shared the day with very close friends and family who is very close to us. The day was perfect as the weather was sunny and warm.
The dress
The dress was similar to one I saw in a magazine and fortunately I got it quite quickly. I also knew that Nico will like it a lot.
The Flowers
We had some fun here as on the Wednesday before the wedding we couldn’t get the flowers we order anymore. Luckily Makiti and its personnel was quick to assist us with alternatives and it turned out better than our original flowers.
The Honeymoon
The honeymoon was suppose to be a holiday where I thought Nico will ask me to get married. Little did I know that Nico was already planning our wedding from the back to the front – the way he reads a newspaper. For our honeymoon we went to Malaysia where we were fortunate to see The Petronas towers, amazing buildings and a lot of shopping centers. The last part of our honeymoon was one of our shared passions – Motogp at the Sepang circuit. Nico was smiling from ear to ear! It was an amazing experience to share!
Tell us about your photographer.
Where do we start. We met JC on a Sunday afternoon. We immediately felt comfortable and had a great chat. We realised that JC also has a shared passion with Nico – Ferrari’s. We decided the same afternoon that he is going to take the photos at our wedding. JC was helpful during the entire process of planning the wedding and we knew we didn’t have to stress about our photos at all. On the day JC was so relaxed and had so much time to take the photos. Nothing was to much for him. We are more than happy with the photos.
Who did your make-up and hair?
Super mooi fotos! 🙂
Pragtige foto’s…….ek hou baie daarvan.
Dearest Melissa and Nico,
Your photos are awesome and you both look stunning together.
I wish you both lots of Love, Happiness, Health and lets not forget a little Wealth for eternity.
Looking at these photos brought tears to my eyes as it seemed just the other day you were still at school and now you are a stunningly beautiful Bride and Wife.
Lots of Love Margaret xx
Ai julle twee… nou is my hartjie darm baie swaar en die trane le vlak. Die foto’s is asemrowend. Melissa, jou rok het jou absoluut gekompilmenteer en ek kan net dink dat jy Nico van sy voete af geslaan het met jou skoonheid. Nico, handsome is die understatement van die jaar! Dit lyk of julle die dag vreeslik baie geniet het en dat alles op die ou einde uitgewerk het soos dit moes. Dit sal nie ‘n troue gewees het sonder die laaste minuut (week) krisis nie. Maar dit gee mens weer iets om by te las by die storie :o)
Wens dat ons daar kon wees om met julle te gedeel het, maar weet dat ons in gees saam partytjie gehou het.
Lief julle baie!
Ons het Nico op ‘n Europese toer in 2010 ontmoet en hy is een van daardie mense wat jy nie weer vergeet as jy hom eers leer ken het nie. Skuus Melissa maar as my eie dogter nie reeds getroud was nie sou ek hom hom graag aan haar wou bekend stel. Jy kan sien hy is deur en deur ‘n goeie mens en hy gaan vir jou ‘n baie goeie man wees. Daar is nog min van sy soort. Mag jul net geluk en vreugde ervaar en ‘n baie lang en gelukkige huwelik saam hê. Leanda en Gert Briers
Man nou wat sal ek se julle twee het so pragtig gelyk die foto’s
is pragtig lykmy die drywer van die kamera ken sy stories.
Glo die seen van die Here sal altyd met julle wees.
Dit was vir ons n voorreg om die dag met julle te deel.Baie lief vir julle
Hi Melissa and Nico
WOW! You both looked SO happy and in love and that is what I love to see at a wedding! Forget all the trimmings, your love for each other is as clear as daylight!! You both looked stunning and I love all the photos. It was really such a pleasure to be a part of your big day and I wish you all the happiness for the future.
Baie geluk julle twee! Julle het prentjie-mooi en BAIE gelukkig gelyk! Ek hoop julle verbintenis sal baie vreugdes bring in mekaar en julle families se lewens. x
Wow, stunning fotos julle! Lyk of dit ‘n baie lekker troue was!!