Pieter and Marischke got married at Goose Hill in Bloemfontein. A wet rainy day. But that didn’t dampen the spirits. Marischke must have been the bravest bride I have ever photographed. I suggested that I will do the photo shoot the next morning when it might not be raining, but Marischke insisted that we do it right after the service…in the rain. Not very many brides will be prepared to get their hair and make up so messed up, but we all had a lot of fun.
I’ll tell you one thing, these people from Bloem know how to party, I was invited to a braai at Marischke’s dad Kobus’s house the Friday evening already, I went to bed later on to rest for the wedding the next day, just as well…their party went on until 02:00!
One thing that was very funny at the wedding was during Pieter’s speech, his friends gave him a lot of flack, and the one guy grabbed his speech. Pieter was at a loss for words for a while, until his bride came marching in, grabbed the speech from his friend’s hand and gave it back to Pieter. Clearly not a woman you mess with.
Marischke and Pieter met each other at a dance about 6 years ago. For a year they were dance partners, after that friends for the next two years. They then decided to give love a chance…and it worked.
Her dress was made by Leehra.
Hair by Hannes Oosthuizen and
Make up by Charlene Strydom email: charlene.strydom@yahoo.com phone: 0769991555
She got dressed at Bel Tramonto Guest House 083 422 0235
I really enjoy being your wedding photographer Pieter and Marischke, I hope you enjoy the photos. It sure brought back very fond memories of the day when I was editing it.
You can also watch the following slideshow that I have loaded unto the internet. It might take a while to load as it is 11 min long.
Pieter & Marischke’s Wedding from JC Crafford on Vimeo.
Johan, dis awesome!!!! Nou kan ek en Pieter ook sien wat op ons trou dag gebeur het, dankie vir al die special memories. Dankie dat jy saam met ons in die reen kom dans het, weet jou kamera het seker nie so goed daarvan af gekom nie. Weet net dat ons dit opreg waardeer. Dankie vir die spesiale moeite met die video clip, geweet sulke cool mense en hulle awesome gaste kan net beautiful fotos maak, ek sou ook nie kon kies nie.
Jy is enige bruidspaar se droom fotograaf….
BAie mooi fotos my baby!