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Quintin and Janet’s wedding at Engedi near Krugersdorp


The unforeseen circumstances in which two souls met.

Janet and Tertia(Quintin’s sister) were studying LLB together and on one fateful evening the group of friends at University were to go out but first had a stopover at Quintin’s house, this is where the two met, Quintin was forced to say hi to the girl sitting there quietly by herself in the living room. His heart jumped a beat upon witnessing her and he ran off quickly and had the image of her stuck in his head for the next month.

Quintin gathered the courage during that month to ask Tertia for Janet’s number and decided to send her a message, Quintin later said his palms were sweaty whilst typing the message but eventually he did sent it, to his surprise Janet replied, thus the spark was lit and the two messaged each other the whole day before meeting that evening with a group of friends at a neutral place and both being shy not much communication followed.

The following week the two went out alone on a date and there the spark turned into a flame and from there the relationship just grew and grew.

Six long years have passed since that first message but during those long years our love, bond and friendship have become a chain unbroken by any force.

That is the story of how the two souls of Janet and Quintin met and become one in the eyes of The Lord.

Such a nice story, and it was my privilege to witness their wedding and document the day as their wedding photographer at Engedi near Krugersdorp.

The following people were also involved with the wedding:

Wedding Dress: Chrystal Designs 083 260 7143 / 083 395 6128

Makeup – Chantal Rademan 083 304 7890

Flowers: Anro (Pretty Bunches) of 011 662 2699

Janet and Quintin, from the first day we met I was impressed with the kind of people you are, I just know that your love are forever. You were forged as the people you are by the incredible parents you have, and I have no doubt that your children one day on their wedding will give credit to their unbelievable parents and the good example that they’ve set.

Thanks for making me part of your love story, I enjoyed reliving the fun of the photo shoot and the wedding day whilst editing your wedding photos.

JC Crafford


(Click on the first thumbnail to enlarge the images)





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