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Riaan & Tamara’s wedding at Farm Inn and 33-3 degree in Pretoria

JC Crafford wedding photography at Farm Inn in Pretoria

The friendliest couple ever! Rian & Tamara. It was so hard to choose from their photos, because their love just shines through on all their photos. They got married at The Farm Inn in Pretoria, and we did the wedding shoot there, after that we went to 33-3 degreeĀ , also in Pretoria for the reception. I was SO impressed when I saw 33-3degree, totally different from anything I have ever seen, the perfect place to have an informal wedding or just a party.

Back to Riaan and Tamara, I met Riaan just before the wedding, in the bar at The Farm Inn, getting a cold one to calm the nerves. He was really so excited to marry his sweetheart. You should have seen his face when Tamara walked into the church, he couldn’t hold back the tears, you could just sense here is a very special love! One of my fav shots is of how they were holding each other when the minister prayed for them.

The photoshoot: So difficult for them to be serious in any photo, they were just laughing and happy for every second of the shoot, two people that really enjoyed being together and that are not ashamed to show their love, so refreshing to see that!

Have a look at Tamara’s bouquet, I have never seen something like that. No money spent on flowers, she made it from sweets…and then the guests got the sweets to eat at the reception.

Tamara and Riaan, I feel so special to could have shared such a special day with you, thank you very much.

Here is a special quote for you:

If Love is the treasure, laughter is the key – Yakov Smirnoff

Yakov is a stand up comedian, much like you two, he is always laughing and making sure everybody is having a good time.

Photographer: JC Crafford

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