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The Moon and Sixpence wedding photography: Eruk & Andri

The Moon and Sixpence wedding photography by JC Crafford Photography

Andri and Eruk had nothing to stress about on their wedding day, not after all the stressing they had to do a month before the wedding. That was when they heard that they couldn’t get married anymore at the venue that they have booked, and where all their guests had already paid deposits to stay over at. Luckily for them there was still a space available at The Moon and Sixpence, and the wedding party could go on.

We’ve worked together when I did Eruk and Andri’s pre wedding shoot, and judging from the chemistry between them on this shoot I just knew we were going to have a fantastic time at their wedding. And we did.

While we were busy with the ceremony I could see it getting darker and darker outside, and then it started raining…hard! There goes our photoshoot I thought, at the end of the service it was still raining. The minister announced confidently that everyone must just sit down and listen to one more song played by the DJ while we wait for the rain to pass. I thought: “This rain is not going to pass” But, the minsite was better connected, 5 minutes later it stopped raining, and everyone was outside with their helium filled balloons waiting for Eruk and Andri.

Then we started with the shoot. This two enjoyed every second. you could see that Eruk was just mesemerized with his beautiful bride. Their was really electricity between the two. And as soon as we were finished with the shoot, and walked into the reception, it started raining again.

You know what really impressed me during Eruk’s speech? He started crying when he thanked his parents, now that says something to me about his parents and the way his parents brought their children up!

The evening was one happy gathering of friends and family, lots of chatting, lots of shooters, averybody having a fantastic time.

Eruk and Andri, you are a very special couple, I pray that the love, friendship trust and electricity between you will always be as evident as on your wedding day.

Photographer: JC Crafford


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