A Beautiful wedding in Parys
Their story started in high school, although, if somebody told them then they would marry one day nobody would have believed it. They were not each others types. LOL … Have I heard this one before!
They went out the first time on a blind date after school, not a very successful date, Tjaart was to tired after a long party the previous night! They started communicating via sms and mix it. They went to the movies. She wanted him to hold her hand but he was to shy, so she made the first move … you go girl!
They started going out and were a couple for three months. Things didn’t work out and they made out. Tjaart didn’t give up though, when she opened her curtains in the morning there was always a bunch of roses he picked at the Dros. 7 Months later they got re-united. They could only see each other weekends, but they had a special star sign … the scorpion, when they both look at that the evenings they knew the other one is thinking about her/him.
There engagement was just as romantic, he took her out one evening to sit under the starts on a blanket. He then too a thin rope out of his pocket and told her to hold the one end. He told her that the she must hold the one end of the rope, if they both pull on the rope it will remain firm, if you let go, the rope will become limp … a marriage is just like that. He then went on his knees and took a ring out, he let it slide down the rope unto her finger. WOW Tjaart, this IS romantic!
Their ceremony was also very special, her dad is a minister and he married them. Tjaart and Jacolie, you are two beautiful people, thanks for the privilege of being chosen as your wedding photographer. I enjoyed every second of your wedding.
Venue – Kiepersol in Parys
It was the second time that I photographed a wedding at Kiepersol and what an awesome place. Beautiful scenery, friendly people and outstanding food. Visit their website at www.kiepersolweddingvillage.co.za.
Johan, hierdie fotos is sooo stunning!! Jy het n wonderlike gawe om hierdie belangrike dag vir ‘n paartjie vir altyd asemrowend vas te vang! Ek is soo trots om ook te kan se jyt my fotos en my beste maaiki se fotos gedoen!! Keep up the good work!!
Dankie vriendin
Van die eerste oomblik af wat ons jou foto’s gesien het, het ons geweet dat ons jou net MOET hê, ons het jou gehad voor ons ‘n venue vir die trou gehad het. Baie dankie dat jy ons mooiste dag vasgevang het in die asemrowendste foto’s. Jy is enige paartjie se droom fotograaf. Ons het geweet as ons jou kies as ons fotograaf sal ons troufoto’s in goeie hande wees, en dit was! Baie dankie vir al jou moeite, dankie vir fotos wat ons met trots vir die hele wêreld kan wys en dankie dat jy ons so op ons gemak laat voel het. Ek sal jou oor en oor aanbeveel aan enige bruidspaartjie.
Weer eens baie dankie vir alles, vir mooier foto’s kon ons nie gevra het nie!
Jys nommer een…
Tjaart en Jacolie
Dankie Jacolie (trane in my oë), weet jy wat maak my werk onder andere so spesiaal? Om met ongelooflike mense soos julle te werk!
blerrie flippen nice!!