OK…this is officially the most organised bride I have EVER seen. No wonder NOTHING went wrong!
But what a WONDERFUL couple. They let me do my job and was ALWAYS ready for another photograph! I photographed their wedding in Roodepoort for a grueling (but VERY satisfying) 11 and a half hours Saturday. She had one of the nicest wedding dresses I have ever seen.
I really felt sorry for Tommy though. He is English and Juanita is Afrikaans. When the minister said they are going to say the vows Tommy nervously asked “Just in English please!” And there the minister let him do the vows in Afrikaans. But…RESPECT for you Tommy! You did well man.
Tommy and Juanita…you are going to have a very happy marriage, you really compliment each other. Thanks for the INCREDIBLE privilege of being your wedding photographer.
I silently swallowed my tears on two occasions. Juanita’s dad passed away two years ago and they announced that her brother will dance with her for her dad. The music they chose…Luther van Dross’s “Dance with my father” I don’t think there was a dry eye at the reception…especially at the chorus part:
If I could steal
One final glance
One final step
One final dance with him
I’d play a song that would never ever end
Cause I’d love love love to dance with my father again
Before that Juanita called her mum to the front and she and her brother and sister hold her mum while one of her friends sang a special song for her mother.
Here is their wedding photos. Have you ever seen such a beautiful chartered accountant? I think I’m going to chance auditors!
I will remember your wedding for a very long time Tommy and Juanita. Enjoy your honeymoon.
The wedding was held at Mellow Oaks and her make up and hair was done by Mariska of Salon Mariska. Cel nr: 082 576 1418
sjoe dit is beautiful! Baie baie dankie dit was so ‘n awesome experience! Jy en Surika is ‘n wonderlike span en dit was ons vooreg om jou as ons fotograaf te he! Weereens baie baie danki!
Johan, dit is ongelooflik!! Baie dankie dat jy ons vriendin in haar element af geneem het. Dankie vir al die geduld en die harde werk.
Carien (big-mouth bridesmaid)
Die fotos is pragtig, ek kan nie wag om alles te sien nie. Jy sal jou boude moet wikkel om dit vir ons te laat kry. Baie dankie vir die moeite wat jy en jou vroutjie [sy is pragtig]met die neem van die fotos gedoen het. Ek raak sommer van voor af hartseer…… Juanita en Tommy is bevoorreg om jou as hul fotograaf te kon gehad het. Ek weet die gaste wat fotos geneem wil he sal jou beslis kontak!!!!!!!!! Die van jul wat die kommentaar lees, kontak Johan gerus, hy laat jou gemaklik voel, is plat op die aarde en ken beslik sy “JOB”
Weereens baie dankie!!!!!
Carien…jy is miskien (big-mouth) soos jy sê…maar jeez, jy kan sing hoor.
Jy maak dit nou eintlik flippen moeilik – hierdie foto’s is net so mooi.
Nita, jy en Tommy lyk pragtig, Johan die fotos is stunning, ek self kan nie wag om die res te sien nie.
Die fotos is asemrowend mooi! Julle is voorwaar ‘n pragtige paartjie – dankie die troue was pragtig en voorwaar iets om te koester.
Die foto’s is werklik pragtig. Johan jy en Surika is definitief ‘n span 1000. Julle sit so ‘n persoonlike touch op alles, dat dit voel of julle deel is van ons.
Johan, dit was eintlik ek wat gesing het. En wat ‘n voorreg was dit om ‘n deel tekon wees van hulle groot dag.
Kannie wag om die res van die fotos tesien nie.
O my ouers, sorry Anell, wel…jy sing soos ‘n engel…jy het my in trane gehad.
Dis werklik een van die mooiste komplimente wat ek nog gekry het. Baie dankie
Tommy en Juanita,baie dankie weer eens,die fotos be aam dit net-jul is onvoorwaardelik vir mekaar bedoel.Soos die hele seremonie,is die fotograaf perfek.
Mens wil net meer em meer sien,en nogmaals dankie vir deel wees en nogmaals baie baie geluk!!!!!Fanie,Sonet.PS:Dit is min dat die fotograaf na 22h0 nog fotos neem,kyk die tyd van die buite foto’s van jou by die lig,na 23H00,fantasties.
Tommy,Juanita, family, friends and guests. Your wedding was wonderful, these photos are a testament to that, remember always, god is your soul, you feel him move in you in your heart through emotion, he effects all you desire through the holy spirit, you can never be alone or without him, his prescence was there and thats why your life and all you touch is so wonderful and before you. Truly a more blessed occasion i have not attended, heres to your future, life is living, expecting in your mind all that you desire now.. each moment, feeling it in your heart and watching as the holy spirit moves to effect it in your universe…this moment to the next and the next…there is nothing you cannot do…love Carl and Belinda..xx
Wow, absolutely beautiful! I love the photos with the balloons. Some of these definitely need to be printed on canvass in your home. All the best for your future together, with all the laughter I see in these photos I’ll sure you will have many decades of happiness.